Thursday, May 17, 2018

Free 24/7 Kids TV Channels.


I think you have been wondering about how to get free 24/7 cartoon or kids channel for your kids. I'm going to list some of them for you to choose the one which is available in your country and install for your kids.

I'm going to start with;
1) MBC 3
Freq (11560), Pol (V),  SR (27500).
Satellite [ Nilesat 201/ Eutelsat @ 7°W].

2) .Kids Zone
     .Baby TV
      .Smile Of A Child
Freq (12518), Pol (H), SR (29500).
Satellite [Nigcomsat / Turksat @ 42°E.

3) A1 Kids
Freq (10970), Pol (V),  SR (30000).
Satellite [Abs3 @ 3°W).
You can track Abs3 and Nilesat together with a single dish.
You can read my previous post (How To Install Abs3 and Nilesat With Single Dish) to know how to do it.

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