Saturday, May 12, 2018

How To Receive FM Radio Channels From A Distance.


In most places especially rural or village areas, FM radio signals are difficult to receive. In this case, I'm going to show you how to receive FM radio channels or stations from a distance of about 85 to 90 miles from where you are. 
Image displaying an extended FM radio antenna. 

Things you will need; 
1) A long pole of about 20 FT long, use a wood or a bamboo stick. Don't use a metal pole.

2)An aluminum bar of about 3 FT long, example is the one on top of the bamboo pole as shown from the image above.

3) A 2.5mm electric cable, you will measure it from your room to the top of the pole. 
4) FM radio tuner or any FM radio receiver. 

To start the process peel a small portion of the electric cable and connect or join it to the aluminum bar. Then tie the aluminum bar to the other end of the wooden or bamboo pole.

Place the pole in a hole and send the electric cable to your room. Connect the cable to the antenna of your radio or tuna.
Switch on the device and start tunning  and you will see how numerous channels or stations you will receive. 

Note that some FM radio receivers doesn't have good reception, so try and use the one with good reception. 

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